Posted on 6/27/2022

Have you ever smelt an awful odor emanating from your vehicle's air vents? The foul odor will jolt your senses whenever you switch on the air conditioner. Odors in the air conditioning system can arise from a variety of places. Your air filters, for example, might be clogged, or your air conditioner gas could be leaking. However, mold buildup is one of the air conditioning systems' most common causes of musty fumes. What exactly is the issue with mold? Odor The worst issue is mold's musty odor, which leaves passengers miserable. The more mold can grow, the more serious the situation gets. It Swiftly Spreads It spreads quickly as a fungus, becoming embedded in floor carpets and upholstery, and may cause the following conditions: Congestion in the nose Inflammation of the throat Wheezing Eye irritation is a condition in which the eyes get irritated. In difficult situations, it can impair lung function and lead to long-term health i ... read more