In this day and age, there are tons of debate about whether a tune-up is necessary or not. Some say it's a waste of money, while others swear by the service. Before jumping to conclusions, read on to learn more about what tune-ups consist of and how they can benefit your vehicle's needs.
The truth is the term "tune-up" has changed the meaning of today's modern vehicles. This outdated term is also known as your preventative maintenance or factory maintenance schedule. This type of service serves to check your car's essential parts to perform efficiently. Here is a list of items that a mechanic will typically check, change, or replace during a tune-up:
- Fuel filter
- Air filter
- Spark plugs or coils
- Timing belt
- Lights
- Car battery
- PCV valve
- Tires
- Important fluids
- & more.
How frequently you require a tune-up depends on your vehicle's make, model, and age. For an older vehicle with a non-electronic ignition system, it will typically need a tune-up every 12,000 miles. At the same time, a newer vehicle with an improved engine design can go 25,000 miles or more before needing one.
What Are the Benefits of Tune-Ups?
- Ensures your car stays reliable on the road; prevents breakdowns from occurring
- Prevents damage from occurring or spreading; a mechanic will be able to catch minor problems early on to prevent them from being costly repairs.
- Increases your car's lifespan
- Help you maintain a good resale value
Auto Services in Martinez, CA
Are you wondering if it is time for your car to receive a tune-up? We welcome you to call us or visit if you have any questions about tune-ups. The team at Hagin's Auto is looking forward to hearing from you.